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House Mouse

  • Post category:Rodents Control
  • Reading time:4 mins read

House Mouse:

General Description

  • Distribution: Worldwide distribution.
  • General Appearance: Small, slender
  • Adult size: small
    • Body weight: 12-30 g
    • Length (nose to the tip of tail) – 6-9 cm
    • Length of Tail: 7-10 cm
  • Snout: Pointed
  • Ears: large, some hair
  • Eyes: small
  • Tail: uniformly dark
  • Fur: light brown, light gray, smooth
  • Droppings: rod-shaped, 3-6 mm


Life Cycle and Common Characteristics

  • It is characterized by rapidly multiplying, with an annual reproduction rate of about 44 per female rat.
  • The maturity period of the female sperm is about 42 days, and the gestation period is 19–21 days.
  • The female lays eggs between 4 and 8 times during her life, depending on the nature of the food.
  • Up to 5-6 children per pregnancy (and up to 12-20 children in rare cases).

Comparisons of the reproduction characteristics among the three commensal rodents. 

House Mouse Roof Rat Norway Rat Characteristic
42 Day 68 Day 75 Day Days to Maturity
19-21 Day 20-22 Day 22-24 Day Gestation Period
5.8 6.2 8.8 Young per Litter
7.67 5.42 4.32 Litters per year
44.6 33.6 38.00 Young / female / year
1>5-2 Month 2-3 month 2-3 month Age at Mating
Year-Long Spring & Fall Spring & Fall Breeding Season


Comparisons of the characteristic of growth and development of commensal rodents.

House Mouse Roof Rat Norway Rat Charcater
19-21 day 20-22 day 22-24 day   Gestation Period
0.8-1.5 g 4-5 g 5-6.5 g   Weight at Birth
Without pink hair Without pink hair Without pink hair Hair Color at Birth
3-4 day 6 day 3-4 day Opening the Ear
11-14 day 14-15 day 16 day Opening of the Eye
9-10 day 10 day 10 day Appearance of Lower Incisors
7-8 يوم

7-8 day

11 day 11 day Appearance of Upper Incisors
42 day 68 day 75 day Day to Maturity of Females
1 Year 1 Year 1 Year Length of Life