Bird Control
Bird Control Dubai, UAE

Birds are immeasurably valuable to humans and the environment. People enjoy watching, feeding, and conversing with harmless and beautiful birds, even common city pigeons, sparrows, and starlings. These birds represent a few of the only naturally free forms of wildlife. Unfortunately, these same birds can be nuisances and may then fly to nearby urban areas to roast and nest (or rest, but this has nothing to do with breeding or feeding) on and in buildings such as food warehouses, restaurants, apartment building windowsills, school and hospital rooftops, and the like.
Urban birds may play potentially important roles in food-borne illness outbreaks, and may frequent livestock fields that contain livestock manure, urine, molds, soil, fungi, bacteria, and viruses (Salmonella, Cryptococcosis, Histoplasmosis, Avian influenza, Ornithosis, and Pigeon Fancier’s disease). These birds also contaminate food and deface buildings, signs, statues, vehicles, and other items of importance in urban environments.
Like other pest management programs, ETS provides an effective bird management program that incorporates several management approaches. Sanitation, exclusion or habitat alteration, repellents, and population reductions are the essential components of managing urban pest birds.
When a public relations program is warranted, ETS technicians always inform and consult all public officials before beginning the management program. This helps keep all concerned parties informed that only nuisance birds will be controlled.
Three common bird pests are found in the UAE:
Click on each bird species to learn about its general description and life cycle.