Labor Residential camps

Due to the physical work conducted by the pest control technicians, and in order to recover from this physical exhaustion, they deserve to be treated well after they finish work and go back to their accommodation site. Challenges that are facing the pest control professionals are the conducive conditions at the labor camps, such as the level of hygiene (bed, floor, walls, etc.), unorganized and under-equipped kitchens, poor air conditioning in rooms, and lack of availability of hot water.
Pests in labor camps are usually found in workers’ accommodation rooms, the area surrounding workers’ housing, food preparation area (restaurant), baths, workers changing rooms, cracks, and voids in the walls, internal and external waste containers, places where there is poor water drainage and not good sewers, and resting areas.
Pest management practices should be implemented across all facilities in the labor camp periodically to reduce the risk of any infection or disease caused by the pests.
ETS and labor camp managers should closely work together to comply with the requirements of labor housing specified in the Cabinet Resolution No. 13 of 2009 Regarding the Guidelines to General Standards for Collective Labour Housing and its amenities and Ministerial Decree No. 212 of 2014 Approving the General Standards Manual for Group Labour Accommodations Housing less than 500 Laborers. The public health requirements are related to the disposal of waste and control of pests affecting the health of workers. ETS follows effective procedures to prevent the existence and reproduction of pests. ETS is specialized in pest control and practices pest control activities in the labor camps and keeps all records of its activities in these facilities according to the approved working strategy.

Pests Attracted to Labor Camps are:
Click on each pest to learn about its general description, life cycle, common characteristics, damages, and economic or medical implications.