
  • Post category:Uncategorized
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Disinfection of surfaces in residential and commercial facilities (including health care facilities, food industrial and Manufacturing facilities, and facilities of other sectors), where different contaminants are found, is conducted with appropriate disinfectants (chemical agents) to control the spread of microbes, and sanitizing the surfaces with recommended sanitizers that ensure the surfaces of the facility are sanitized. Disinfection is considered the…

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  It is well known that the scope of sanitation (or general cleaning and sanitization) is very broad, and can be defined as “the promotion of hygiene and prevention of disease by the maintenance of sanitary conditions; characterized by or kept in cleanliness”.  The concept of sanitation, as it relates to pest management, is simple: pests must have food, water,…

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Feral and Stray Animal Control

  • Post category:Uncategorized
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Overpopulation of feral animals (cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.) or stray animals (goats, camels, cows, etc.) is a serious global problem that affects the community, environment, and public health. Since most of stray animals do not depend on humans for food and shelter, and therefore, can reproduce and increase uncontrollably.  These may lead to road traffic accidents, and possible interaction with…

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