
Rodents are considered the most dangerous warm-blooded mammals because they transfer diseases that affect the distribution of human communities. There are about 1,500 living rodent species (out of about 4,000 living mammals overall). More than 35 dangerous diseases are transferred to humans by rodents, either directly through food poisoning through the body, urine, and feces of rodents or indirectly through…

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Norway Rat

Norway Rat: General Description Distribution: Asian in origin and worldwide in distribution, and quickly adapt to the environment. General Appearance: Large, robust Adult size: Large Body weight: 200-500g, Length (nose to the tip of tail): 18-27 cm Length of Tail: 13-21 cm Snout: blunt Ears: small, covered with short hairs; do not reach eyes Eyes: Small Tail: dark above, pale…

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House Mouse

  • Post category:Rodents Control
  • Reading time:4 mins read

House Mouse: General Description Distribution: Worldwide distribution. General Appearance: Small, slender Adult size: small Body weight: 12-30 g Length (nose to the tip of tail) - 6-9 cm Length of Tail: 7-10 cm Snout: Pointed Ears: large, some hair Eyes: small Tail: uniformly dark Fur: light brown, light gray, smooth Droppings: rod-shaped, 3-6 mm   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics…

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Climbing Rat

  • Post category:Rodents Control
  • Reading time:19 mins read

Climbing Rat: General Description Distribution: offshore Far East in origin. Worldwide in distribution. General Appearance: sleek, graceful. Adult size: medium Body weight: 150-250 g Length (nose to the tip of tail): 16-20 cm Length of Tail: 19-25 cm Snout: pointed Ears: large, nearly naked; can be pulled over eyes Eyes: large, prominent Tail: uniformly dark. The tail is longer than…

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House Mice

  • Post category:Rodents Control
  • Reading time:16 mins read

Important facts The house mouse (Mus musculus) easily adapts to life with people. It thrives in a wide range of climatic conditions in a great variety of habitats, feeding on most human food, and reproducing at a remarkable rate. House mice are found in most areas of human habitation. House mice are also found living in the wild. Pest control…

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