German Yellowjacket or German Wasp

German Yellowjacket or German Wasp General Description ·  Yellowjackets are are sometimes mistakenly referred to as paper wasps because they build grey paper nests.·        They are 1.3-1.5 cm long, black and yellow in color. · The body is slightly wider than the head. Credit: pjt56 There is a yellow band behind the compound eye. The face has three small black spots,…

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Water Boatman

Water Boatman Leasse Water Boatman General Description Credit: Andy Reago   Credit: Piet Spaans   It is a water-dwelling insect. Adults have a long, flattened body ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 cm long. They have fine dark brown or black striations marking the wings. They have 2 short front legs and 4 long rear legs. ·          Its body resembles the shape…

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Oriental Wasp

Oriental Wasp – Vespa orientalis Linnaeus General Description · The adult insect is about 2.5-3 cm long. · The general color of the body is reddish-brown, and the wings are yellowish-brown. The faces are yellow, as are the posterior margins of the second, fourth, and fifth ventral segments. · The male's abdomen consists of seven segments, while the female's abdomen…

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Paper Wasp

Wasps: Paper Wasp – Polistes dominula Christ General Description · Paper Wasps or umbrella wasps get their name from the paper-like material that they use to create their umbrella-shaped nests. · They have a narrow body and pinched waist, 1.5-2.5 cm long, and colored bright yellow with alternating black, ·  Wings are grayish in color, and the length of the…

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Common Springtail

Springtails or Snow Fleas: Common Springtail General Description · Springtails (Collembola) are very small, primitive, elongated, 1 to 10 mm in length, and have moderate- length antennae.  Springtails and fleas may be of the same size, but have differences in their structure. · They are dark-colored, brown, grey or, black. Some species may be white and some are even brightly colored.…

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 Common House Spider

 Common House Spider General Description A male and female (the female is the larger of the two).  Credit: Calibas Credit: Patrick Moran Common house spiders are tan to nearly black, with patterns of shades on their body. Females are 5 and 6 mm long, and males are 3.8 and 4.7 mm long. Males have a less bulbous abdomen than females.…

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Red Back Spider or Back Widow Spider

Spiders: Red Back Spider or Back Widow Spider General Description Credit: Laurence Grayson Credit: William   Adult female redback spiders usually have a body length of 10 to 15 mm long, while the male is much smaller, being only 3-5 mm long. The female is recognized by her spherical black body with a prominent red stripe on the upper side of…

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Silverfish Common Silverfish General Description · Silverfish are among the most common household insects around the world. · Silverfish is also called Hairy Tail. · Adults are very small, oblong, wingless insects, and range from 1.3 to 2.5 cm in length. · The antennae are long and slender.   Credit: Christian Fischer The body is flattened, long and slender, broad…

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Field Cricket

Crickets:  Field Cricket General Description · Field crickets are flightless dark brown to gray or blackish. · They are comparatively large; the males range from 1.9 to 2.3 cm and the females from 1.7 to 2.2 cm. · Field crickets are larger than house crickets and have wings extending beyond the wing covers. Credit: Roberto Zanon Life Cycle and Common…

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Common European earwig

Earwigs: Common European earwig General Description Female.  Credit: Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez Male. Credit: Pudding4brains   The European earwigs are about 1.2–1.5 cm long. They have elongated flattened brownish-colored bodies, with scissor-like tail. They have two pairs of wings and a pair of forceps-like cerci. The antenna consists of 11–14 segments, and the mouth parts are of the chewing type. Adult males…

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Black Sting Scorpion

Black Sting Scorpion General Description · Black sting scorpion is golden and brown in color with a black string. · Thin elongated pincer-like pedipalps, jointed abdomen which ends in a swollen black sting. · Antennae are absent and the mouthparts are formed by small pincer-like chelicerae (fangs). · There is a pair of dorsal eyes and two to five smaller…

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Arabian Fat-Tailed Scorpion or Black Scorpion

 Arabian Fat-Tailed Scorpion or Black Scorpion – Androctonus crassicauda (Olivier) General Description ·  Adults of the Arabian fat-tailed scorpions or black scorpions can vary in color from light brown to reddish to blackish-brown, to black. The adult female can grow to over 10 cm in length. · Antennae are absent and the mouthparts are formed by small pincer-like chelicerae (fangs).…

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Common Plaster Beetle

Common Plaster Beetle General Description ·  Adults are small in size, no more than 1.6 mm in length.· It is brown in color.  The head has a suture along the midline, and the front half of the thoracic shield has a wide, fairly deep depression. The two terminal segments of the antennae are swollen.  There are no hind wings and…

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Long-flange Millipede

Millipedes: Long-flange Millipede General Description · Long-flange millipede is about 1.4-2.8 cm in length (1.45–2.0.5 cm in males and 1.65–2.75 mm in females) and about 1.5-3.2 cm in width (1.5 to 2.7 cm in males and 1.6–3.2 cm in females)      Credit:  Kembangraps Millipedes are elongated dark brown to black arthropods that are oval in cross-section and appear to…

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Honey Bee

Honey Bees: Honey Bee General Description · Honey bee is a social species with three adult castes: queens (only one lays eggs in each colony), drones (males), and workers (sterile females). Individual colonies may have 20,000 to 50,000 bees. · Honey bees are of various shades of yellow, black, brown, or orange, with the head, antennae, legs, and a portion…

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Common Firebrat

Firebrats: Common Firebrat General Description · The body of an adult firebrat is about 1- 1.25 cm long and marked on the back with numerous dark patches that give the firebrat a mottled gray appearance. · It is a wingless insect. The young look like small adults.   Credit: Klemens Bottig Life Cycle and Common Characteristics The female aged 5…

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Striped Earwig, Riparian Earwig, or Common Brown Earwig

Earwigs: Striped Earwig, Riparian Earwig, or Common Brown Earwig General Description · Small in size, up to 5.5 cm in length (average of 2.5 cm). · Their color is usually black or brown, and some species in hot regions have bright colors. · The striped earwig is lighter in color than the other earwigs, and the pronotum and front wings…

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House Cricket

Crickets: House Cricket General Description · Adults are 1.7-2.3 cm in length, with long, thin antennae that is longer than the body.  The body is light yellowish brown, with three dark bands on the head.  The wings lie flat on its back. · Nymphs are 16-21 mm in length.  The body is gray or brownish in color, and      wingless but…

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Centipedes: A – Forty-Four-Legged Lady General Description · The forty-four-legged lady vary considerably in coloration and size. · colopendra centipedes are large centipedes and vary in coloration and size. · It is the largest species found in tropical climates can exceed 30 cm and are the largest living centipedes in the world. Credit: P. Roosenschoon, DDCR It has a drab coloration…

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Red-Tailed Bumblebee

Bumblebees: Red-Tailed Bumblebee General Description ·  Queens and workers are black, with a bright red tail covering half of the abdomen. · Males have yellow facial hair and bright yellow bands at the front and rear of the thorax, along with a similar red tail to females. · They are distinguished by their black body with red markings around the…

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Booklouse or Psocid

Booklice or Psocids: Booklouse or Psocid General Description ·  The adult is small, with a soft body, 1-2 mm long, and has a yellowish-honey color. ·  The mouth parts are biting. The head carapace is divided into a small anterior carapace and a large posterior carapace. Credit: USDA-ARS The horn of consultation is threadlike, consisting of 12-17 knots. They have…

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Common Backswimmer

Backswimmers: Common Backswimmer General Description ·  The most easily identifiable feature of notonectids is their long hind legs that are used to propel themselves in the water. ·  Adults have pale tan heads and legs. The pronotum is darker than the head and the elytra (hardened forewings) can be a range of tan colors. Credit: Holger Gröschl Females have a…

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Occasional Invaders

Occasional invaders, light-attracted pests, and miscellaneous pests are encountered by pest management professionals.  Occasional invaders are those pests that often occur in buildings at some stage of their life cycle, but that does not usually complete their entire life cycle within the building.  This means that pests living outside of buildings come indoors only on occasion and do-little damage, and…

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