The Psychological Welfare of the Inhabitants and Pest Control

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In both home and business settings, an infestation can have a detrimental effect on the resident's mental health and general well-being. A comfortable life and work environment is ensured by effective insect control: Lowering stress and anxiety: People feel more at ease in their residences or workplaces when there are no pests around, which lowers tension and anxiety production. The…

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The Function of Pest Management in Maintaining a Healthful Environment

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To protect residential and commercial premises from the possible health hazards and structural damage that pests can cause, pest control is essential. Maintaining a clean, safe, and healthy environment is crucial for the good of the entire community, and effective pest management plays a major role in this. The Function of Pest Management in Maintaining a Healthful Environment Health Dangers…

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Reasons to Take Commercial Pest Control Seriously

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It's crucial to keep in mind the wide range of duties associated with managing a commercial space as offices start to reopen to clients and staff. Controlling pests is one of such duties. Although it might be down on your list of priorities, doing this as soon as possible is essential to the comfort and safety of your company. It…

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The Reasons Commercial Pest Control Is a Needed Investment for Your Company

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The corporate world is a complicated place with opportunities and difficulties at every corner. One such difficulty that is frequently disregarded is pest management. You heard correctly. In addition to being a hygienic need, commercial pest control is essential to keeping a safe working environment. Managing pests in commercial settings, including restaurants, hotels, workplaces, and warehouses, is the focus of…

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Effective Flies Control Service in Dubai

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The Importance of Flies Control in Dubai In a city as vibrant as Dubai, maintaining a pest-free environment is crucial for both residential and commercial spaces. Flies control service in Dubai, with their rapid breeding cycles and potential health risks, necessitate effective intervention. Explore the key aspects of ensuring a fly-free Dubai with professional flies control service. The Challenges of…

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Why Hire a Fly Pest Control Service to Get Rid of Flies?

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The Persistent Challenge of Fly Infestations Flies can quickly become a menace, infiltrating homes, businesses, and public spaces. To effectively combat these pesky insects, more individuals and businesses are turning to professional fly pest control service. In this article, we delve into the reasons why hiring experts, such as ETS, for fly pest control service in Dubai. The Scale of…

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How to Get Rid of Flies at Your Business?

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The Business Buzzkill: Dealing with Flies Flies can be a major nuisance in a business setting, affecting both the environment and customer experience. This guide explores effective strategies to eliminate rid flies and ensure a pest-free business space. Discover tailored solutions with ETS, your partner in flies control services in Dubai, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi. The Impact of Flies on…

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How Can You Keep Flies Under Control?

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Understanding the Fly Menace Flies can quickly turn your living or working space into an unwelcome zone. To combat these pesky pests effectively, it's crucial to understand the best strategies for keeping flies under control. Explore practical tips and professional solutions in this comprehensive guide. The Importance of Flies Control Services Flies control services play a pivotal role in maintaining…

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How Can You Effectively Get Rid of Flies?

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Flies buzzing around your home can be both annoying and unhygienic. Whether you're dealing with fruit flies in the kitchen or house flies invading your living space, getting rid of them is essential. In this guide, we'll explore effective strategies to eliminate flies and keep your home pest-free. Understanding the Fly Problem Before diving into solutions, it's crucial to understand…

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Effective Techniques for Managing Bird Pest Control

  • Post category:Birds Control
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Birds, while fascinating creatures, can pose significant challenges when they become pests. Effectively managing bird pest control requires strategic techniques and proactive measures. Here are some proven methods to manage bird pest issues efficiently: 1. Identifying Bird Pest Issues Understanding the specific bird species causing problems and identifying the severity of the infestation is crucial. Recognizing their nesting and feeding…

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What are the signs You Need Deep Cleaning for Apartments in Dubai?

  • Post category:Pest Control
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Dubai's vibrant lifestyle often keeps apartments bustling, but it's essential to ensure these spaces remain clean and hygienic. Over time, certain signs may indicate the necessity for deep cleaning to maintain a pristine living environment. Understanding these signs is crucial for apartment dwellers in Dubai. 1. Lingering Unpleasant Odors Stubborn odors persist in various areas of your apartment and can…

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Why Is It Necessary to Hire Home Sanitization Services?

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Maintaining a clean and hygienic living environment has always been essential, but in today's world, the need to ensure a sanitized home has become even more critical. Home sanitization services in Dubai play a pivotal role in safeguarding the health and well-being of your household members. Understanding why hiring professional home sanitization services is necessary is key to creating a…

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The Significance of Residential Pest Control in Dubai

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A peaceful and healthy home environment is a cornerstone of well-being, but pest infestations can disrupt this sanctuary. In Dubai, where varied climates and urban landscapes exist, residential pest control is fundamental to maintaining a pest-free home. Understanding the importance of professional pest control services in Dubai is essential for safeguarding your residence from unwanted invaders. Here’s why prioritizing residential…

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Why use a Pest Control Service?

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Pests can invade our homes or businesses, causing havoc and discomfort. In Dubai’s diverse environment, professional pest control services are essential to maintain a healthy living or working space. However, the question arises: Why should one opt for this expert pest control service in Dubai instead of attempting DIY solutions? Here are the compelling reasons why utilizing professional pest control…

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The Crucial Importance of Pest Control for Businesses in Dubai

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Pests can pose significant threats to businesses in Dubai, jeopardizing the smooth operation and reputation of establishments across various industries. Dubai's dynamic environment, with its diverse landscapes and climatic conditions, presents unique challenges when it comes to pest control for businesses. Understanding the critical reasons for investing in pest control services in Dubai is imperative for maintaining a pest-free and…

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6 Reasons to Choose a Pest Control Service in Dubai

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Pest infestations can disrupt the sanctity of any home, causing damage and posing health risks to occupants. In Dubai, where diverse climates and urban landscapes exist, pest control becomes crucial to maintaining a healthy and safe environment. Choosing a professional pest control service in Dubai offers numerous advantages beyond mere pest eradication. Here are six compelling reasons why investing in…

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How Important is Pest Control in the Hospitality Industry?

In the thriving hospitality industry of Dubai, maintaining a pristine environment is paramount. Pests can disrupt guest experiences and damage reputations swiftly. ETS recognizes the significance of pest control in upholding exceptional standards, offering tailored solutions to safeguard the hospitality industry. Understanding the Significance of Pest Control in Hospitality Pest control in the hospitality industry involves comprehensive measures to prevent,…

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What is pest control in hotel management?

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Pest control plays a pivotal role in hotel management, particularly in Dubai's vibrant hospitality industry. ETS understands the critical significance of maintaining a pest-free environment in hotels and offers specialized services tailored to uphold the highest standards of guest satisfaction and hygiene. Understanding Pest Control in Hotel Management Pest control in hotel management refers to the strategic implementation of measures…

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Understanding Pest Control: Safeguarding Your Dubai Property

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In a city as vibrant as Dubai, maintaining a pest-free environment is crucial for both residential and commercial spaces. Unwanted pests can wreak havoc on properties, causing damage and posing health risks to occupants. This is where professional pest control services play a pivotal role. Exploring Pest Control in Dubai Pest control involves the management and eradication of unwanted insects,…

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Introduction Since the establishment of the union, the UAE has experienced rapid population growth and urbanization, which have influenced the biodiversity of insects.  Researchers confirmed the link between the emergence of arboviruses and urban growth in the UAE. Recently, mosquito biodiversity was measured and species composition was surveyed in peri-urban and protected, natural sites. Mosquitoes belong to the family Culicidae. …

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Introduction The group of mites, belonging to the order Acarina, contains a very large number of species, reaching 50,000 species.  Most species are barely visible to the naked eye (0.5 to 2.0 mm long).  They have eight legs and a body with practically no division (similar to ticks).  They live freely, except for a few that parasitize living organisms. Some…

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Introduction There are 225 species of sucking lice worldwide. They parasitize their hosts externally by puncturing their skin and sucking their blood, and the male is no different than the female. They are small, wingless insects with a flattened body from top to bottom, and they are slow-moving insects. They live attached to their host; they do not leave it…

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  • Post category:Termites Control
  • Reading time:20 mins read

Introduction Termites are among the most infamous of wood-destroying organisms. There are approximately 2500 species of termites known worldwide, but they are most abundant in warmer climates. One group of termites, the subterranean termites, is common in soil, dead trees, and wooden structures. The other group of termites, the non-subterranean termites, are divided into two groups: drywood termites and dampwood…

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Rodents are considered the most dangerous warm-blooded mammals because they transfer diseases that affect the distribution of human communities. There are about 1,500 living rodent species (out of about 4,000 living mammals overall). More than 35 dangerous diseases are transferred to humans by rodents, either directly through food poisoning through the body, urine, and feces of rodents or indirectly through…

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Introduction Birds are immeasurably valuable to humans and the environment.  People enjoy watching, feeding, and conversing with harmless and beautiful birds, even common city pigeons, sparrows, and starlings. These birds represent a few of the only naturally free forms of wildlife. Unfortunately, these same birds can be nuisances and may then fly to nearby urban areas to roast and nest…

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Introduction Most fly species (order Diptera) are relatively small, with soft bodies; some are very delicate, but many of them are of great economic and health importance. Among the blood-sucking species are black flies, horse flies, stable flies, and others, all of which are pests that are harmful to humans and animals. Many types of flies suck blood, and some…

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 Introduction Cockroaches are known to have been present on Earth for nearly 350 million years.  They are among the most familiar of all insect pests in residential and commercial buildings and facilities. They are especially present where food is prepared or sanitation is lacking. Their sizes vary considerably.  Cockroaches are one of the most adaptable and successful insect groups. They…

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Bed Bugs

Introduction Bed bugs are members of the blood-feeding insect groups and are among the most annoying and widespread medical pests in the world, and they are known as a result of their close contact with human life, as they parasitize mammals, including humans. At present, the control of this insect is a challenge for workers in the field of public…

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Wood-Destroying Organisms

Introduction Wood-destroying organisms, other than termites (subterranean and non-subterranean) and rodents (explained in separate sections) cause great damage to wooden products and fixtures in homes, in addition to the inconvenience and anxiety caused by some of them to humans. The infestation of wood pests extends to all the wood of the house, starting with the wood used in the foundations…

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Ants Get Rid of Ants with ETS Innovative IPM Plan Introduction Ants are social insects that are widely regarded as one of the most diverse and successful insect groups in terms of their ecological impact on the environments in which they live.  Many ants are ecologically beneficial as insect predators or as decomposers of dead plants and animals. Outdoor ants…

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Dark Mealworm

Dark Mealworm   General Description ·  Adult dark mealworms are the same size as yellow mealworms but are dull black. Larvae are dark brown, as compared to the shiny yellow to light brown yellow mealworm.   Credit: NobbiP   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics The dark mealworm has a similar life cycle and habits to the yellow mealworm.   Damage…

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Yellow Mealworm

Yellow Mealworm General Description ·   Adults of the yellow mealworm are shiny dark brown or black, about 1.25 cm long. ·  When the larva is fully grown, it is a little over 2.5 cm.   The body is elongated and cylindrical, and has a harder body wall than the larvae of most other stored product pests. The body has a shiny…

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Sawtoothed Grain Beetle

Sawtoothed Grain Beetle General Description ·  The adult is 3 mm long and 1 mm wide. There are six waw-like projections on each side of the thorax. ·  The adult is unable to fly. ·  The larva is 4-5 mm long, narrow in body form, and it is yellowish white.  Each of its abdominal segments bears a yellowish plate on…

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Red Flour Beetle

  Red Flour Beetle   General Description ·  The adult is 3-3.7 mm long and 0.9-1.2 mm wide. ·  This insect resembles a flour beetle that is similar or confusing in appearance and color but differs in that the last three or terminal segments of the antennae are enlarged and enlarged suddenly from the previous ones so that the antennae…

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Confused Flour Beetle

Confused Flour Beetle General Description ·  The adult is 3-4 mm long and 1-1.2 mm wide.  Oval in shape. Its color is reddish brown. ·  Egg: very small, flattened, oval ,and white in color. · The larva is white-tinged with yellow, and the upper surface of the body segments is dark in color and covered with yellow hairs. The larva…

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Mediterranean Flour Moth

Mediterranean Flour Moth General Description · The adult is about 1 cm long.  The distance between the two ends of the flat front wings is 2.5 cm. The color of the forewings is light gray, each with two brown stripes. The hindwings are white with gray flanks and long fringes on the forewings and hindwings. · The larva is pale…

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Drugstore Beetle

Drugstore Beetle General Description ·  The adult is small in size, no more than 3 mm in length. It is reddish-brown in color and covered with short yellow hairs. ·  The larva is white in color and reaches a length of 5 mm when fully grown. On its arched body, there are short, translucent bristles.   Credit: Siga   Life…

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Khapra Beetles or Trogoderma

Khapra Beetles or Trogoderma General Description · The adult is 1.6 -1.8 mm long. The body is brown, and the chest is reddish-brown. The body is covered with soft fluff and this allows it to glide between the grains. The antennae are yellow, and consisting of 10 segments. · The small, fast-moving larva is orange-yellow, with a brown halo on…

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Cadelle General Description ·  The adult is black, about 8-12 mm long. The body is oblong and tends to be an oval in shape. It has strong jaws, and its head and thorax are connected to the abdomen by a small ring. ·  The larva is relatively large in size and may reach a length of 18 mm. The color…

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Cigarette Beetle

Cigarette Beetle General Description   · Adult cigarette beetles are light brown, about 3 mm long, and fly readily. The head is bent downward, so the beetle has a distinct hump-backed appearance. · The larva resembles the drugstore beetle larva, but the body hairs of the cigarette beetle are considerably longer, giving it a more fuzzy appearance.     Credit:…

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Indianmeal Moth

Indianmeal Moth    General Description The adult is 7-10 mm long, the basal third of the forewings are gray and the remaining section is reddish-copper. Hind wings are gray with dense pubescence. The larva is 10-17 mm long, white (yellowish-greenish-reddish), pinkish-white, and has brown spots on its body. The pupa is brown and 11 mm long.   Credit: Mvuijlst Credit: Pudding4brains…

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Lesser Grain Borer

Lesser Grain Borer General Description · It is distinguished from the rest of the grain insects by its cylindrical shape and small size, as the adult is 2.5 mm long. The body is rough, dark chestnut or glossy black, and there are concave spots on the forewings arranged in the form of lines. The head is curved downwards and is…

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Rice Weevil

Rice Weevil   General Description ·  The adult is 3-5.3 mm in length, dark brown, with four yellow spots on the forewings.  the body is narrow and elongated and the front of the head extends like a beak.  The hind wings are present.  The adult is able to fly. ·  Larva and pupae: similar to the granary weevil.   Credit:…

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Indianmeal Moth Granary Weevil or Wheat Weevil

Indianmeal Moth Granary Weevil or Wheat Weevil General Description · The adult length is 3-4 mm. · The adult cannot fly. There are elongated dents on the anterior pronotum. · The color of the adult is dark chestnut or black closely resembles the rice weevil · The larva is 3 mm long, legless, and arched. The head is red-brown and…

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Angoumois Grain Moth

Angoumois Grain Moth General Description The adult is 5-7 mm yellow-brown. The forewings are narrow, pointed at both ends, and have black dots. The hind wings are gray and end in the shape of a finger. The larva is 5-7 mm long, cylindrical, red at hatching, and white when fully developed. The pupa is red or light brown.     …

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Relapsing Fever Tick

Relapsing Fever Tick: General Description The adult soft tick has eight legs, rounded body, dimples on their body, and mouthparts hidden from view when seen from above.     Life Cycle and Common Characteristics Female ticks lay eggs in batches, with each batch of eggs produced after taking a blood meal. A female may lay from 25 to several hundred…

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Fowl Tick or Poultry Tick

Fowl Tick or Poultry Tick: General Description Fowl ticks are light to dark red-brown (yellowish-brown when starved and slatey-blue when engorged). Adults are about 0.5-0.6 mm long. Mouthparts in nymphs and adults are not visible when viewed from above since they are hidden by the front margin of the tick’s body. The skin is wrinkled.   Credit: CDC Soft Tick…

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Camel Tick

Camel Tick: General Description Camel tick Hyalomma dromedarii (Acari: Ixodidae) adult male: (a) Ventral and (b) dorsal (Credit: Al-Deeb and Bin Muzaffar, The dorsal shield of males can reach a length of 3.7–5.8 mm. These hard-bodied ticks are broadly oval in shape. The basic color is yellow- to red-brown. Life Cycle and Common Characteristics The camel tick parasitizes mainly…

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Brown Dog Tick

Brown Dog Tick: General Description Eggs of the brown dog tick are spherical and dark brown in color. Larvae have three pairs of legs with a body size of approximately 0.5 mm in length and 0.4 mm in width. Nymphs and adults have four pairs of legs and look similar except nymphs are smaller than adults. Nymphs are 1.15 to…

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Anopheles Mosquito

  Anopheles Mosquito (Potential Malaria Vector)stephensi and A. culicifacies General Description Eggs. Larvae Pupa Adult   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics Lide cycle usually takes 10–14 days for an egg to develop into an adult mosquito. Adult, female mosquitoes lay individual eggs one at a time directly on or near water bodies. The eggs float on the surface of the…

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 Aedes Mosquito

 Aedes Mosquito (Biting Nuisance Species) A. aegypti, A. albopictus, and A. caspius  (A. aegypti is not reported from UAE) General Description Mosquitoes have four distinct developmental stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult Eggs: Eggs. Larvae Pupa Adult   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics Life cycle takes about 7-10 days for an egg to develop into an adult mosquito. Females lay…

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Harvest Mites or Chiggers

Harvest Mites or Chiggers: General Description There are about 12 species belonging to this genus, the most important of which is T. akamusla and T. deliensis. Adults are about 1 mm long, oval, covered with hairs, and orange to red in color. Eggs are globular. The larva is 0.15 to 0.3 mm long. Larvae, nymphs, and adults have six legs…

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House Dust Mite

House Dust Mite: General Description House dust mites are very small and have translucent bodies.  They are barely visible to the unaided eye. The mite measures 0.2–0.3 mm in length. The body of the house dust mite has a striated cuticle. Its fecal pellets range from 10 to 40 µm.   A scanning electron micrograph of a female - CSIRO  …

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Biting Midges or Ceratopogonids Midges

Biting Midges or Ceratopogonids Midges: General Description Biting midges are small flies (0.5–5.0 mm long; an average of 1.6 mm) and belong to the order Diptera. Adult biting midges are usually distinguished by their dark color (brown or black) and the absence of simple eyes. Simple eyes are absent. Credit: Slama, Babba. and Chaker Culicoides spp. The antennae are densely…

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Head Louse

Head Louse: Identification The lengths of the female is 3 mm and 2 mm in the male.·        The adult is about the size of a sesame seed, has 6 legs, and is tan to grayish-white. The nymph looks like an adult. Eggs (also called nits) are 0.8 mm by 0.3 mm, oval, and usually yellow to white.   Life Cycle…

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Body Louse

Body Louse: Identification Adults are 2.3–3.6 mm in length. The adult is about the size of a sesame seed, has 6 legs (each with claws), and is tan to grayish-white. Eggs (also called nits) are 0.8 mm by 0.3 mm, oval and usually yellow to white. Life Cycle and Common Characteristics Body louse has three stages: egg, nymph, and adult.…

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Stable Fly

Stable Fly: General Description Stable fly resembles the house fly with 4- to 7-mm long, generally gray with a greenish-yellow sheen, four black stripes on the thorax, the outer two of which are broken, and black blotches or checkering on the abdomen. Unlike the housefly, where the mouth part is adapted for sponging, the stable fly mouthpart has a piercing/sucking…

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Sand Fly

Sand Fly, No-See-Ums, or Black Gnat: General Description Sand flies follow the Psychodidae family, and they are small flies that do not exceed 5 mm in length. This family includes several hundred species. The adult is 2-3 mm long and dull in color. The wings have a special shape and have nine or more long veins. The body is covered…

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Phorid Fly or Humpbacked Fly

Phorid Fly or Humpbacked Fly: General Description Adult phorid flies are 0.5–5.5 mm long with an enlarged thorax that gives them a characteristic humpbacked appearance. The hind femora are flattened, and the major bristles of the head and legs are feathered. They run in short, quick bursts and are usually found in damp places near larval habitats. Credit: Charles Schurch…

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Little House Fly

Little House Fly: General Description Adults are smaller (3.5–6 mm long) than the common housefly. They are smaller than house flies and slenderer in appearance. Their fourth wing veins extend directly to the edge of the wings instead of curving sharply upward, as in house flies. The white-bordered eyes meet above in the male. In females, the eyes do not…

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House Fly

House Fly: General Description       The house fly adult length is about 6 to 7 Female adults are usually larger than males. The female can be distinguished from the male by the relatively wide space between the eyes (in males, the eyes almost touch). The head of the adult has reddish eyes and sponging mouthparts. The adult has…

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Fungus Gnat

Fungus Gnat (Dark-Winged): General Description Credit: Peter Rühr Credit: James Lindsey Fungus gnats are distinguished from fruit flies because of their darker They are usually less than 5 mm long and short-lived gnats. These flies are sometimes confused with drain flies. The adults are 2–8 mm long. Larvae are slender and lack legs. Larvae are white (except for a black head),…

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Fruit Fly

Fruit Fly, Drosophila Fly, Lesse Fruit Fly, or Vinegar Fly Fly: General Description Credit:  André Karwath Credit:  André Karwath Credit:  André Karwath Adults are 4mm long, yellow-brown, with brick-red eyes and transverse black rings across the abdomen. The front portion of the body is tan, and the rear portion is Females are about 2.5 mm long; males are slightly smaller with…

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Flesh Fly

Flesh Fly: General Description  Flesh flies are larger than house flies (up to three times larger). Adult flesh flies are a light grayish in color and have a gray-and-black checkerboard pattern on their abdomen and three dark longitudinal stripes on the thorax. Longitudinal, strong bristles are present only on the posterior part of the abdomen. Credit: Saleem Hameed The mouth…

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Face Fly

Face Fly: General Description Credit: TristramBrelstaff Credit: James Lindsey   The face fly is similar to the closely resembles the house flybut is slightly larger, They are about 7–8 mm long. Adults are grey in color with four dark stripes on the thorax, with a grey-black patterned abdomen. The eyes in males almost touch when viewed from above. Life Cycle and Common Characteristics…

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Drain Fly

Drain Fly, Moth Fly, Sewage Fly, or Filter Fly: General Description Adults are about 1-2.5 mm long (about one-third the size of a housefly), with a light gray or tan body and lighter-colored wings. Both the body and the wings are densely covered with long hairs that give the body a fuzzy appearance, hence the name moth fly. When at…

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Blow Flies

Blow Flies: General Description Blue Fly Credit:  John Talbol Green fly Credit: glmory - Adults of blow flies are about the size of house flies or slightly larger and have a bright metallic blue or green coloration. The mouth parts are sucking type. The veining of the wings is similar to that of the house flies. The adult blue fly, Calliphora,…

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American Cockroach

American Cockroach General Description      Adult One and one-third to 2.5 – 4 cm long. Reddish-brown, with a light-colored ring along the edges of the pronotum. Male wings cover the tip of the abdomen, female wings do not.     Nymph Smaller than adults (size depends on how many molts they have been through). Small nymphs grayish-brown, larger nymphs redlish-brown. Wingless.…

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German Cockroach

German Cockroach: General Description     Adult About 1.25 cm long. Grayish-tan or light brown in color, females darker than males. Two black longitudinal stripes on the pronotum. Wings cover the tip of the abdomen.          Nymph Smaller than adults (size depends on how many molts they have been through). Brownish-black with a pale tan stripe down the middle…

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The tropical bug

The tropical bug General Description  Adult Cimix lectularius Cimix hemipterus – PCS-Dubai   • The whole insect is flattened from top to bottom, oval in shape, with a width equal to a length of 4-6 mm, and its body is covered with short hairs. • The general color is light yellow to brown when hungry, and dark red after feeding…

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Tropical Fire Ant or Ginger Ant

Tropical Fire Ant or Ginger Ant General Description      April Nobile, Tropical fire ants come in a wide range of sizes – Credit: Eli Sarnat.   Tropical fire ant majors have large, square heads – Credit: Eli Sarnat. Workers consist of many sizes (polymorphic) between 4 to 6 mm (average of 3 mm). Body color is usually red…

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Samsum Ant

Samsum Ant General Description Esposito, Body length of workers 4–6 mm, head broader than mesosoma (middle body), with convex sides and emarginated posterior margin. Gaster ending with a powerful sting. Dark brown to blackish brown. Petiole is a high and thick node with a straight anterior surface and a convex posterior surface. Gaster ending with a powerful sting. Eyes…

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Pavement Ant

Pavement Ant General Description   Medium size, adult workers 4 to 4.5 mm long, and the queens are slightly larger Black or brown to reddish brown. Abdomen shiny. Head and thorax dull Twelve-segmented antennae with a three-segmented terminal club. Petiole with two nodes. One pair of spines on the dorsal side of the thoracic segment adjoining the petiole. The…

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Pharaoh ant

Pharaoh ant – Monomorium pharaonis (Linneaus) General Description Credit: April Nobile / Workers are 0.5 mm – 2 mm Males are 2-3mm long and queens are about 4-6 mm long with a dark reddish color. The head and thorax are dull yellowish to orange to reddish brown. Shiny, darker-colored abdomen, especially at the tip. They have 12 segmented antennae with a…

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Odorous House Ant or Stink Ant

Odorous House Ant or Stink Ant General Description Credit: Photographer and Medium size ant, workers are 1.5-3.0 mm long. Brownish-grey and shiny. Petiole with one node, somewhat hidden beneath the first abdominal segment From above, abdomen appears wider than thorax. Tip of the abdomen lacks distinct circle of hairs (unlike black carpenter ant). Soft-bodied. Life Cycle and Common Characteristics…

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Ghost Ant

Ghost Ant General Description Credit: April Nobile, Ghost ant workers are extremely small, 1.3 to 2.0 mm long and dark brown in color. Their legs and antennae are much longer in proportion to the other parts of their body compared to what is normal for other house-infesting ants. They have 12-segmented antennae with the segments gradually thickening towards the…

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Crazy Ant

Crazy Ant (Longhorned) General Description Credit: April Nobile,   The worker is about 2.3 to 3.0 mm long with a brownish-black head, thorax, petiole, and gaster. The body has long, coarse, scattered, grayish, or whitish setae. The body has a few short, whitish bristles. The antennae and limbs are pale brown. The eyes are elliptical and set far back on the head. It has no…

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Subterranean Termites

  • Post category:Termites Control
  • Reading time:16 mins read

Subterranean Termites: General Description Several records pertaining to termites in the Arab Gulf countries, especially in Saudi Arabia, were made. The termite fauna of the Arabian Peninsula comprises 22 species. In the UAE, three research projects were conducted and published by Prof. Walid Kaakeh (2005 and 2006) and revealed the discovery of eight (8) species of subterranean termites: Species, common…

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Norway Rat

Norway Rat: General Description Distribution: Asian in origin and worldwide in distribution, and quickly adapt to the environment. General Appearance: Large, robust Adult size: Large Body weight: 200-500g, Length (nose to the tip of tail): 18-27 cm Length of Tail: 13-21 cm Snout: blunt Ears: small, covered with short hairs; do not reach eyes Eyes: Small Tail: dark above, pale…

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House Mouse

  • Post category:Rodents Control
  • Reading time:4 mins read

House Mouse: General Description Distribution: Worldwide distribution. General Appearance: Small, slender Adult size: small Body weight: 12-30 g Length (nose to the tip of tail) - 6-9 cm Length of Tail: 7-10 cm Snout: Pointed Ears: large, some hair Eyes: small Tail: uniformly dark Fur: light brown, light gray, smooth Droppings: rod-shaped, 3-6 mm   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics…

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 Desert Horned Viper

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:2 mins read

 Desert Horned Viper General Description The average length (with tail) is 30–60 cm, with a maximum length of 85 cm. Females are larger than males. It is short in length, the body and head are broad, the tail is short, the neck is delicate, and on both sides of the broad head, there are poison glands that contribute to increasing…

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Persiam Horned Viver or False horned viper

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Persiam Horned Viver or False horned viper General Description Credit: Broobas Credit: Zuhair, Stümpel, and Joger   Despite its serpentine body, its head is broad, flat, and it has short horns above its eyes. The fangs are folded like other snakes, but they lack a distinctive color pattern on their body and are often dark gray or tan in color.…

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Horned Viper

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:2 mins read

 Vipers: Horned Viper – Cerastes cerastes (Linnaeus) General Description This horned viper is also called the “Saharan horned viper” or the “desert horned viper”. The average total length (body and tail) is 30–60 cm, with a maximum total length of 85 cm. Females are larger than males. It is easily recognized by the presence of a pair of supraocular "horns"…

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Wild Rabbit

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Rabbits Wild Rabbit General Description Credit: Haplochromis,   Credit: Shah Jahan   The Cape hare has a fine, soft coat that varies in color from light brown to reddish to sandy grey. The female is larger than the male, an example of sexual dimorphism. It has well-developed legs for leaping and running. It has large eyes and ears to look…

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Feral Cat

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Cats: Feral Cat General Description  Cat with similar appearance to domestic cat but often with increased muscle development, particularly around head, neck and shoulders.  Males generally weigh 3-6kg, females 2-4kg.  Coat is generally short and ranges from ginger, tabby and tortoiseshell to grey and black. Eyeshine is distinctive green under spotlight. Credit: Brocken Inaglory   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics…

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 Naked-Rumped Tomb Bat or Naked-bellied Tomb Bat

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:3 mins read

 Naked-Rumped Tomb Bat or Naked-bellied Tomb Bat General Description The naked-rumped tomb bat is a moderate-sized, sac-winged bat, males typically being slightly larger than females. The head and body length is 8.0-9.7cm, tail length is 2.5-3.3cm, forearm length 6.5-7.9cm, and weight is 20-30g. Credit: Rajesh Puttaswamaiah Bats are greyish brown above, and paler below. They have strong-smelling glands in throat…

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Egyptian Fruit Bat or Egyptian Rousette

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Egyptian Fruit Bat or Egyptian Rousette General Description Egyptian fruit bats are dark brown or grayish brown, with their undersides paler than their backs, a long muzzle, and a two-foot wingspan (approximately 60 cm). They weigh 80–170 g. The body is 15 cm in length. Males are larger than females and can be easily distinguished by their large scrotums and the…

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European Starling

European Starling: General Description The starling is a stocky, short-tailed bird about the size of the robin. From a distance, it appears entirely black, but it is actually flecked with light speckles. Most of its feathers show iridescent purples and greens. The bill of both sexes is yellow during breeding season (January to May), and dark for the rest of…

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Pigeon (Rock Dove)

Pigeon (Rock Dove): General Description Pigeons have gray bodies with a whitish rump, two black bars on the secondary wing feathers, a broad black band on the tail, and red feet. The body color can vary from gray to white, tan and blackish. The average weight is about 300-400g, and the average length is 30 cm.   Life Cycle and…

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German Yellowjacket or German Wasp

German Yellowjacket or German Wasp General Description ·  Yellowjackets are are sometimes mistakenly referred to as paper wasps because they build grey paper nests.·        They are 1.3-1.5 cm long, black and yellow in color. · The body is slightly wider than the head. Credit: pjt56 There is a yellow band behind the compound eye. The face has three small black spots,…

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Water Boatman

Water Boatman Leasse Water Boatman General Description Credit: Andy Reago   Credit: Piet Spaans   It is a water-dwelling insect. Adults have a long, flattened body ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 cm long. They have fine dark brown or black striations marking the wings. They have 2 short front legs and 4 long rear legs. ·          Its body resembles the shape…

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Oriental Wasp

Oriental Wasp – Vespa orientalis Linnaeus General Description · The adult insect is about 2.5-3 cm long. · The general color of the body is reddish-brown, and the wings are yellowish-brown. The faces are yellow, as are the posterior margins of the second, fourth, and fifth ventral segments. · The male's abdomen consists of seven segments, while the female's abdomen…

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Paper Wasp

Wasps: Paper Wasp – Polistes dominula Christ General Description · Paper Wasps or umbrella wasps get their name from the paper-like material that they use to create their umbrella-shaped nests. · They have a narrow body and pinched waist, 1.5-2.5 cm long, and colored bright yellow with alternating black, ·  Wings are grayish in color, and the length of the…

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Common Springtail

Springtails or Snow Fleas: Common Springtail General Description · Springtails (Collembola) are very small, primitive, elongated, 1 to 10 mm in length, and have moderate- length antennae.  Springtails and fleas may be of the same size, but have differences in their structure. · They are dark-colored, brown, grey or, black. Some species may be white and some are even brightly colored.…

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 Common House Spider

 Common House Spider General Description A male and female (the female is the larger of the two).  Credit: Calibas Credit: Patrick Moran Common house spiders are tan to nearly black, with patterns of shades on their body. Females are 5 and 6 mm long, and males are 3.8 and 4.7 mm long. Males have a less bulbous abdomen than females.…

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Red Back Spider or Back Widow Spider

Spiders: Red Back Spider or Back Widow Spider General Description Credit: Laurence Grayson Credit: William   Adult female redback spiders usually have a body length of 10 to 15 mm long, while the male is much smaller, being only 3-5 mm long. The female is recognized by her spherical black body with a prominent red stripe on the upper side of…

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Silverfish Common Silverfish General Description · Silverfish are among the most common household insects around the world. · Silverfish is also called Hairy Tail. · Adults are very small, oblong, wingless insects, and range from 1.3 to 2.5 cm in length. · The antennae are long and slender.   Credit: Christian Fischer The body is flattened, long and slender, broad…

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Field Cricket

Crickets:  Field Cricket General Description · Field crickets are flightless dark brown to gray or blackish. · They are comparatively large; the males range from 1.9 to 2.3 cm and the females from 1.7 to 2.2 cm. · Field crickets are larger than house crickets and have wings extending beyond the wing covers. Credit: Roberto Zanon Life Cycle and Common…

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Common European earwig

Earwigs: Common European earwig General Description Female.  Credit: Luis Miguel Bugallo Sánchez Male. Credit: Pudding4brains   The European earwigs are about 1.2–1.5 cm long. They have elongated flattened brownish-colored bodies, with scissor-like tail. They have two pairs of wings and a pair of forceps-like cerci. The antenna consists of 11–14 segments, and the mouth parts are of the chewing type. Adult males…

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Black Sting Scorpion

Black Sting Scorpion General Description · Black sting scorpion is golden and brown in color with a black string. · Thin elongated pincer-like pedipalps, jointed abdomen which ends in a swollen black sting. · Antennae are absent and the mouthparts are formed by small pincer-like chelicerae (fangs). · There is a pair of dorsal eyes and two to five smaller…

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Arabian Fat-Tailed Scorpion or Black Scorpion

 Arabian Fat-Tailed Scorpion or Black Scorpion – Androctonus crassicauda (Olivier) General Description ·  Adults of the Arabian fat-tailed scorpions or black scorpions can vary in color from light brown to reddish to blackish-brown, to black. The adult female can grow to over 10 cm in length. · Antennae are absent and the mouthparts are formed by small pincer-like chelicerae (fangs).…

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Common Plaster Beetle

Common Plaster Beetle General Description ·  Adults are small in size, no more than 1.6 mm in length.· It is brown in color.  The head has a suture along the midline, and the front half of the thoracic shield has a wide, fairly deep depression. The two terminal segments of the antennae are swollen.  There are no hind wings and…

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Long-flange Millipede

Millipedes: Long-flange Millipede General Description · Long-flange millipede is about 1.4-2.8 cm in length (1.45–2.0.5 cm in males and 1.65–2.75 mm in females) and about 1.5-3.2 cm in width (1.5 to 2.7 cm in males and 1.6–3.2 cm in females)      Credit:  Kembangraps Millipedes are elongated dark brown to black arthropods that are oval in cross-section and appear to…

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Honey Bee

Honey Bees: Honey Bee General Description · Honey bee is a social species with three adult castes: queens (only one lays eggs in each colony), drones (males), and workers (sterile females). Individual colonies may have 20,000 to 50,000 bees. · Honey bees are of various shades of yellow, black, brown, or orange, with the head, antennae, legs, and a portion…

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Common Firebrat

Firebrats: Common Firebrat General Description · The body of an adult firebrat is about 1- 1.25 cm long and marked on the back with numerous dark patches that give the firebrat a mottled gray appearance. · It is a wingless insect. The young look like small adults.   Credit: Klemens Bottig Life Cycle and Common Characteristics The female aged 5…

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Striped Earwig, Riparian Earwig, or Common Brown Earwig

Earwigs: Striped Earwig, Riparian Earwig, or Common Brown Earwig General Description · Small in size, up to 5.5 cm in length (average of 2.5 cm). · Their color is usually black or brown, and some species in hot regions have bright colors. · The striped earwig is lighter in color than the other earwigs, and the pronotum and front wings…

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House Cricket

Crickets: House Cricket General Description · Adults are 1.7-2.3 cm in length, with long, thin antennae that is longer than the body.  The body is light yellowish brown, with three dark bands on the head.  The wings lie flat on its back. · Nymphs are 16-21 mm in length.  The body is gray or brownish in color, and      wingless but…

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Centipedes: A – Forty-Four-Legged Lady General Description · The forty-four-legged lady vary considerably in coloration and size. · colopendra centipedes are large centipedes and vary in coloration and size. · It is the largest species found in tropical climates can exceed 30 cm and are the largest living centipedes in the world. Credit: P. Roosenschoon, DDCR It has a drab coloration…

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Red-Tailed Bumblebee

Bumblebees: Red-Tailed Bumblebee General Description ·  Queens and workers are black, with a bright red tail covering half of the abdomen. · Males have yellow facial hair and bright yellow bands at the front and rear of the thorax, along with a similar red tail to females. · They are distinguished by their black body with red markings around the…

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Booklouse or Psocid

Booklice or Psocids: Booklouse or Psocid General Description ·  The adult is small, with a soft body, 1-2 mm long, and has a yellowish-honey color. ·  The mouth parts are biting. The head carapace is divided into a small anterior carapace and a large posterior carapace. Credit: USDA-ARS The horn of consultation is threadlike, consisting of 12-17 knots. They have…

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Common Backswimmer

Backswimmers: Common Backswimmer General Description ·  The most easily identifiable feature of notonectids is their long hind legs that are used to propel themselves in the water. ·  Adults have pale tan heads and legs. The pronotum is darker than the head and the elytra (hardened forewings) can be a range of tan colors. Credit: Holger Gröschl Females have a…

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 Fungi Outbreaks of dry rot and wet rot start in similar ways. The mature fruiting bodies of wood-destroying fungi that develop during an attack produce millions of microscopic spores that disperse by air currents. If they fall on untreated damp wood, they will germinate by pushing out a hollow tube called a hypha which grows and branches to form a…

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Wharf Borer or Pavement Borer

Wharf Borers: Wharf Borer or Pavement Borer General Description     Credit: Alvesgaspar Credit: Caroline Harding Credit: Alvesgaspar   Adults are around 1-1.2 cm in length, yellowish to reddish-orange in color. The whole body is covered with dense yellow frills and the antennae are more than half the length of the body. Eggs are creamy white in color, slightly curved with…

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Golden Jewel Beetle

Big-Headed Border, or Metallic Wood Borers: Golden Jewel Beetle or Golden Buprestid General Description · Adults are large (up to 20mm long), brassy green to golden beetle, with blue/purple highlights and coppery orange margins. · They have elongated hard and flat bodies, nearly oval in shape, but tapered at the hind end into a point. · Five widely spaced ridges…

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Old House Borer

Old House Borer General Description Credit: Siga Credit: CSIRO   Adults are 10-16 mm long, with an elongated, cylindrical body. Glossy black or dark brown with two patches of gray hairs on the flanks. Antennae of adults are long, reaching more than half the length of their body.  On the pronotum two conspicuously hairless tubercles are characteristic of the species. On the…

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Lyctid Powderpost Beetles

Lyctid Powderpost Beetles: Brown Lyctus Beetle General Description · The adult is 2-6 mm long, rectangular, and brown in color. The color varies from light brown to reddish-brown. The whole head appears in front of the thorax from above. The antennae consist of 11 segments, and the two ends are swollen. · The larvae are about 0.5 mm long, cream…

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Bostrichid Powderpost

Bostrichid Powderpost: Bamboo borer General Description ·  The bamboo borer is a very small beetle. · The adult is dark reddish-brown, short, stout, cylindrical in shape, 3-4 mm long, and 1-1.5 mm wide. The pronotum is convex and a small part of the head is visible from above in front of the thorax. Credit: Wisut Sittichaya et al.   The…

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Black Carpender Bee

Black Carpender Bee General Description Credit: SeeSchloss Credit: Gideon Pisanty The carpenter bee is large and robust. Black in color and marked with areas of yellow hair, but the dorsal sides of the abdominal segments have no areas of yellow hair. Females grow up to 40 mm, black, with a metallic sheen. The thorax is covered with brown to black…

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Carpender Ant

Carpender Ant General Description ·  There are 14 species of carpenter ants occurring in UAE.  They have similar morphological characteristics.  The more commonly associated with human habitation in UAE is Camponotus thoracicus (Fabricius) · Carpenter ants have a one-segmented pedicel in the form of vertical scale. · Carpenter ant workers have a single segment or node on the pedicel. Also, the…

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Furniture Carpet Beetle

Furniture Carpet Beetle General Description Adults are small, rounded, and blackish, with a mottling of yellow                                                and white scales on the back and a heavy coating of yellow scales on the femur of the legs. The color…

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Black Carpet Beetle

Black Carpet Beetle General Description · Adults are shiny black with brownish legs and 0.3 to 0.5 cm in length.   Credit: Caroline Harding, PaDIL   · Larvae are tiny when they hatch. · Larvae have distinctive elongated carrot- or cigar-shaped bodies and long, brushy tail bristles. · Larvae body color varies from a light brown to almost black.  …

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Common Carpet Beetle

Common Carpet Beetle General Description ·  Adults of this carpet beetle are small, rounded, and gray to blackish in color with white and orange scales on the back. ·  Orange-red band of scales are found on the middle of the back surface.   Credit: Natasha Wright,     · The larva is an elongated, oval shape and is rarely more…

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Webbing Clothes Moth

Webbing Clothes Moth General Description The body and wings of the adult are uniformly buff in color, and its head has lightly reddish hairs on top. The wings are silvery brown to golden tan in color, without spots, and measure less than 0.7 cm across when extended. Adult males are capable of flying, but seldom do so. Females are not…

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  • Post category:Uncategorized
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Disinfection of surfaces in residential and commercial facilities (including health care facilities, food industrial and Manufacturing facilities, and facilities of other sectors), where different contaminants are found, is conducted with appropriate disinfectants (chemical agents) to control the spread of microbes, and sanitizing the surfaces with recommended sanitizers that ensure the surfaces of the facility are sanitized. Disinfection is considered the…

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  It is well known that the scope of sanitation (or general cleaning and sanitization) is very broad, and can be defined as “the promotion of hygiene and prevention of disease by the maintenance of sanitary conditions; characterized by or kept in cleanliness”.  The concept of sanitation, as it relates to pest management, is simple: pests must have food, water,…

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Feral and Stray Animal Control

  • Post category:Uncategorized
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Overpopulation of feral animals (cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.) or stray animals (goats, camels, cows, etc.) is a serious global problem that affects the community, environment, and public health. Since most of stray animals do not depend on humans for food and shelter, and therefore, can reproduce and increase uncontrollably.  These may lead to road traffic accidents, and possible interaction with…

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Ticks are the largest group of non-insect parasites of vertebrates. It ranks second after mosquitoes in transmitting diseases to humans. Ticks are not insects, they are arachnids.  This order contains two important groups: ticks and mites.  The life cycle goes through three main stages: eggs, larvae (with six legs), and adults (with eight legs). Ticks have two body parts: the…

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Culex Mosquito

Culex Mosquito (Biting Nuisance Species) Culex pipiens, C. quinquefasciatus, and C. tarsalis General Description Eggs. Larvae Pupa Adult   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics Life cycle takes about 7-10 days for an egg to develop into an adult mosquito. Females lay eggs (3 mm in length) on the surface of fresh or stagnant water. Water sources can include barrels, unmaintained swimming pools,…

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Scabies, Itch Mites or Short-Legged Mites

Scabies, Itch Mites or Short-Legged Mites: General Description This mite undergoes four stages in its life cycle: egg, larva, nymph, and adult. Eggs are oval and 0.10 to 0.15 mm in length The larval stage, which emerges from the eggs, has only 3 pairs of legs. After the larvae molt, the resulting nymphs have 4 pairs of legs. Adults are…

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The midges are small, delicate insects, and they appear in huge gatherings in their places of spread near the various aquatic environments, where they live in their incomplete stages. They belong to the order Diptera, and it is divided into two types: I- Biting midges (Sand Flies, No-See-Ums, Punkies, or Black Gnats): The females have piercing-sucking mouthparts and may attack…

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Pubic or Crab Louse

Pubic or Crab Louse: Identification Adults are 1.5–2.0 mm in length and flattened. They are smaller than body lice and headlice, The body is broad and short, and the front legs are much smaller than the second and third pairs. The first apparent abdominal segment bears a total of six spiracles on its upper surface. Eggs (also called nits) are…

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Non-Subterranean Termites

  • Post category:Termites Control
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Non-Subterranean Termites Termites other than subterranean termites are divided into drywood and dampwood termites.  Of these, drywood termites are the most common, and belong to the family Kalotermitidae, while the rotten and dampwood termites belong to the families Kalotermitidae, Termopsidae, and Rhinotermitidae. A- Drywood Termites:  General Description No published records on the drywood termite fauna of the UAE are available.…

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Climbing Rat

  • Post category:Rodents Control
  • Reading time:19 mins read

Climbing Rat: General Description Distribution: offshore Far East in origin. Worldwide in distribution. General Appearance: sleek, graceful. Adult size: medium Body weight: 150-250 g Length (nose to the tip of tail): 16-20 cm Length of Tail: 19-25 cm Snout: pointed Ears: large, nearly naked; can be pulled over eyes Eyes: large, prominent Tail: uniformly dark. The tail is longer than…

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House Sparrow

House Sparrow: General Description The house sparrow is small and has a stocky appearance. The upper parts are reddish brown streaked with black, and the under parts are gray. The female and immature birds lack any distinctive markings. The male has a characteristic black throat, gray crown, and chestnut-colored nape.   Life Cycle and Common Characteristics 1. Reproduction: The female…

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  Fleas follow a small order of insects called Siphonaptera. All members of this order have piercing-sucking mouthparts, and people in their homes and businesses are greatly concerned about the flea bites. The number of known flea species is estimated at about 2,500, a few of which are considered pests for humans, and the rest parasitize rodents (74% of them)…

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Oriental Cockroach

Oriental Cockroach General Description     Adult 5 cm (males) to 2.5 – 3.5 cm (females) long. Very dark brown to shiny black in color. Male wings are wide and short, leaving the last few abdominal segments exposed. Females are wingless, but have short triangular wing pads behind the pronotum.      Nymph Smaller than adults (size depends on how many…

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The common bed bug

General Description  Adult Cimix lectularius Cimix hemipterus – PCS-Dubai   • The whole insect is flattened from top to bottom, oval in shape, with a width equal to a length of 4-6 mm, and its body is covered with short hairs. • The general color is light yellow to brown when hungry, and dark red after feeding on a meal…

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Acrobat Ant

Acrobat Ant General Description Credit: April Nobile, Six species of Crematogaster were identified in the UAE. Acrobat ants are a small species of ant. Workers are 5 to 3 mm long and have two segmented pedicle, the abdomen is flattened dorsally and convex ventrally. They vary in color from yellowish-brown, brown, to red and black, and some can even…

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Urban Wildlife

  • Post category:Urban Wildlife
  • Reading time:20 mins read

Technically, all of the animals that live in and around our buildings are part of the wildlife, but some vertebrate pests that are serious pests in particular situations are never considered pests by certain people. Pigeons, for example, can cause human health problems when roosting in large numbers, but also seen as pets and friends by those who feed them…

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Occasional Invaders

Occasional invaders, light-attracted pests, and miscellaneous pests are encountered by pest management professionals.  Occasional invaders are those pests that often occur in buildings at some stage of their life cycle, but that does not usually complete their entire life cycle within the building.  This means that pests living outside of buildings come indoors only on occasion and do-little damage, and…

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Anobiid Powderpost Beetles

Anobiid Powderpost Beetles: A - Common Furniture Beetles or Common House Borers General Description Credit: entomart Credit: Udo Schmidt   They are also called common furniture wood beetles or woodworms. Adults are small, up to 3-6 mm in length. They are reddish-brown with dark spots along the dorsal stripes. The antenna has 11 segments and the last three segments are…

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Fabric Insects

  • Post category:Fabric Pests
  • Reading time:12 mins read

Fabric-destroying insects cause losses in commercial fabric and garment manufacturing or storage operations. Materials that are readily infested are wool carpet, sweaters, coats, upholstery, rugs, blankets, furs, hair, leather, feathers, horns, insect and animal collections, dead rodent carcasses (hair, nails), and stored foods (meat, fish, meal, and dried milk products). dead rodent carcass (hair, nails) Insect pests of fabrics are…

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Stored Products Pests

Our Control Strategy Get Rid of Stored Product Pests Introduction Stored product pests are usually found living in products (such as dried fruits, spices, flour, bran, peas, dried vegetables, dried flowers, grain, milled cereal products, dog food, nuts, candy, pasta, cheese, and other similar items) and are considered the most severe pests that share food with humans. They cause great…

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  • Post category:Termites Control
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Termites (White Ants) The main threat to wood at homes is from subterranean termites or ‘white ants’ Termites are nature’s recyclers; they have evolved over millions of years to become one of the most destructive forces of nature. Their job in the environment is to break down dead and dying tree matter and vegetation into nutrient filled dirt and they…

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Managing Pest Birds

  • Post category:Birds Control
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Legal Considerations With very few exceptions, all birds are protected by laws and regulations. Habitat Modification Habitat modification for birds means limiting a bird’s food, water, or shelter. Attempting to limit the food or water of pigeons, starlings, and house sparrows limiting is not practical. These birds will have a number of feeding and watering sites — often far from…

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House Mice

  • Post category:Rodents Control
  • Reading time:16 mins read

Important facts The house mouse (Mus musculus) easily adapts to life with people. It thrives in a wide range of climatic conditions in a great variety of habitats, feeding on most human food, and reproducing at a remarkable rate. House mice are found in most areas of human habitation. House mice are also found living in the wild. Pest control…

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